Greetings, minions! Say hello to big, stinky, kind of disgusting but nonetheless *awesome* fear for it is I, Doctor Horrib.. no wait, that's not true. Let me try again.
Stand aside and consider your day saved in a both rugged and charming manner, citizens, for I am Captain Ham... no, that's not it either.
Hey, Buffyfest, it's me, your nerdiest blogger just back from running to the comic book store in the manner that a fat kid runs away from a dodge ball with Dr. Horrible #1 (of one) grasped tightly in my teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy grasp. Yeah. That'll do.
So! Zack Whedon is our writer, Joelle Jones makes with the art and Dark Horse wraps the whole thing up in a nice bow for consumption by the massively massive masses but is it any good? Is the $3.50 a worthy investment or should you just keep saving up for that nifty freeze ray you've had your eye on? Well, harken close, kiddos, because working in this industry of funny books has earned me some, at least, perceived cache. In other words: I know what's up.

But, but, but! Let's not put all our focus on the one debbie downer and lose sight of the wonderfully horrible forest of amazing doom that is this book. You know who else shows up? Moist! I love me some sweaty, jewish henchman and Moist is a special fellow who plays his special part specialfully...? There's even a cool ad in here for Brad Meltzer's upcoming arc of the Buffy comic. Yes, even the commercials are cool. What's not to love?
I'm asking you, I'm telling you, nay, demanding you run out and retrieve your copy today. Start up your jalopy, fill it up with petroleum distillate and re-vulcanize your tires, post haste, and get yourself down to the local comic book shoppe. You won't regret it and maybe, just maybe, if the book sells really well... we could get some more comics starring a certain Doc and his supposedly well endowed arch nemesis. When you're done come on back and let me know what *you* thought. Consider yourself winked at as I slowly saunter away, Buffyfest.