When we last left off, Darla had been staked by Angel in Buffy season one, and then at the end of season two we were treated to a fascinating flashback to when Darla sired Angel. That was the last we would see Darla on Buffy, except for the marvelous crossover episode “Fool for Love” in season five, which I will discuss further on. However, this was only the beginning for Darla’s character, as she would become a continuous fixture in the Buffy-spin-off Angel. During her run on Angel, Darla was resurrected by Wolfram & Hart in human form, haunted Angel into sleeplessness and pseudo-insanity, was an object of affection for Lindsay McDonald, was sired by her granddaughter Drusilla and lost her soul, went on city-wide vamp rager with Drusilla, ate a roomful of lawyers (perhaps my favorite moment), was almost burned to death by Angel, slept with Angel, gave him a NOT perfectly happy moment causing him to return to his destiny, got pregnant, shared a soul with her miracle child, staked herself to give birth to said child, and finally came back and haunted her emotionally damaged son. We also learned quite a bit about her past via flashbacks. Phew, that is quite a story.
Let’s begin with Darla’s centuries-long vampire past. The first way in which Darla is presented in Angel was via flashbacks. I must admit that I am a sucker for flashbacks, and they are often my favorite part of series such as Buffy, Angel, Firefly (oh, wasn’t “Out of Gas” fun?), Veronica Mars (I lived for the Lilly flashbacks), Lost (oh, flashbacks in the early seasons were just so revelatory), How I Met Your Mother (learning about when Barney first suited up was beyond awesome, and going back in time to see college aged Ted, Marshall, and Lily is hilarious), and most recently The Vampire Diaries (the Civil War era flashbacks in “Lost Girls” were just fabulous). Thus, Angel was a special treat for me, what with the abundance of flashbacks featuring people in period dress. Loved it.

The next night, Liam has some fun with the bar maid, and then we cut to the flashback footage from “Becoming, Part I.” We see a quick mesh of the scenes in which Liam is turned by Darla, and hear her saying: “Darling boy … I could show you … things you’ve never seen.” Cut to Liam’s funeral (in case anyone is curious, his tombstone reads 1727-1753), and then to his grave site later that night. We see Darla approach his grave in the darkness, and watch as Angelus arises. I can’t help but note that the breath of these two is super visible, despite the fact that vampires supposedly don’t breathe, but I guess it was cold that night and they couldn’t afford to CGI it out. Oh, now I’m thinking about vampire smoking (yes, I’m looking at you, Spike). Sigh. Darla tells her new protégée, “Birth is always painful.” She is very much the proud mommy, all smiles, and when some guy approaches thinking that they are grave robbers, Darla encourages Angelus to make his first kill: “You know what to do.” Darla assures him, “You can do anything, have anyone.” Angelus is not one for subtlety, or baby steps: “Anyone? I thought I’d take the village.”
After terrorizing the town, Angelus eventually goes back and kills his dad. Darla comes into the house after he has killed his father and quips, “This contest is ended, is it?” Angelus says that he has won. Darla: “Are you sure?” Oh, she’s a troublemaker, that one. Angelus: “Of course. I proved who had the power here.” Darla: “You think?” Angelus: “What?” Darla: “Your victory over him took but moments. But his defeat of you will last lifetimes.” Way to rub it in, Darla. Angelus: “What are you talking about? He can’t defeat me now.” Darla: “Nor can he ever approve of you, in this world or any other. What we once were informs all that we have become. The same love will infect our hearts, even if they no longer beat. Simple death won’t change that.” Angelus: “Love? Is this the work of love?” [Gesturing to the dead bodies of his family.] Darla: “Darling boy, so young. Still so very young.” This conversation is worth transcribing in full, as it demonstrates the way that Darla challenges Angelus’ view of the world, and his understanding of what it means to be a vampire. It also helps explain the twisted vampiric manifestation of love. Finally, the scene provides a hint about the significance of who Darla was before she was turned, and how that informs her later journey.

Personally, I don’t really see this reveal as showing her as a bad person pre-vampire, but rather it makes her more complicated and tragic. Regardless of the fact that she was a prostitute, to be an independently wealthy women in early seventeenth century colonial America was a real rarity. Darla decided (or perhaps was forced by circumstances) to reject the strictures of society, and do things on her own, to take her own universally decried path in life. Thus her view of herself and the world is both pessimistic and jaded. She was no empty-headed innocent, waiting to be married and live out a dull and uneventful life. She was not planning to spend her life making babies, before she was tragically turned into a vampire. She had already seen the darkness and tragedy of life, and had already reaped the fatal consequence of her reckless youth, i.e. Syphilis. In some ways, The Master was right when he said that he would save her—her vampire un-life was an improvement for Darla, which only adds to our understanding of her embrace of said life.
Later when Darla returns home and calls for Angelus she hears him muttering in the shadows: "Not everyone screams." Except for the children of course, and Darla amusedly replies, "Yes, they sound just like little pigs." As Angel continues to mumble disturbed musings—I guess he is Angel now, so that is what I’ll call him—Darla begins to worry. "What is this? Have you met someone else?" she asks. She can sense that something is wrong, and asks, "What happened to you? Angelus? What happened?" He does not reply, but Darla realizes the truth: "A soul. They gave you a soul. A filthy soul. You're disgusting—get out of here!" Priceless reaction. Oh, Darla. He tries to argue, and says that he’s like her. Darla will have none of it: "You’re not like anything. Get away from me. Get out, I'll kill you."
In fact, however, we learn that Darla does not give up on Angelus so quickly. In another flashback, we see Darla plead with the gypsies: "You took him from me. You stole him away. You gave him a soul." Why in the world Darla thinks this pleading will work, and why in the world they don’t just perform the same curse on her, I cannot tell you. Darla argues on Angelus’ behalf, saying that the soul will cause him to suffer for the rest of eternity. Um, I’m pretty sure that is THE WHOLE POINT, so probably not the best argument, but OK. Darla still continues to plead: "Remove that filthy soul so my boy can come back to me." I find Darla’s intercession here fascinating, and not just for the insane troll logic mentioned above. In fact, this scene really shows how important Angelus was to her, and how much she does not want to lose him.
Angel seems to feel the same way, and two years later, in China, he reunites with Darla. In more superficial news, she wears a fabulous updo during the Boxer Rebellion that is worthy of note. But back to the drama, Darla wonders how Angel found her and he explains: "You could never resist a religious war, and you always talked about China." Of course. Things get violent, and she gets the upper hand on him. She questions whether he came there because he wants her to kill him, and notes: "I can still smell it you know [i.e. the soul]. That's not all. You reek of vermin. Is that what you've been living off of?" He wants a second chance. You can tell that she wants to give him that second chance, and that she wants thing to go back to what they were, but she is doubtful. She tells him that it's impossible because he has a soul. He begs. Darla: "You almost make believe you." Angel: "We can do this. We can do anything." Sigh.

Of course Darla has bigger problems than Angel’s happiness, as she is dying. It turns out that in her human form she retains the syphilis that she was already dying from in 1609. Tough break. She wants Angel to make her a vamp, arguing that she gave him eternal life, and now it’s time for him to return the favor. Angel makes her feel guilty about turning him instead, and refuses. That said, he doesn’t give up on her, and tries to find a way to save her. In 2x09, "The Trial," Angel stops her from letting some loser vamp in a Metallica shirt try to turn her, and finds an alternate way. He discovers some supernatural “trial,” in which he can compete as her champion. It involves fighting a demon, getting staked, and walking on crosses. Angel is willing to accept death, just so that Darla may live on as a human with a soul. However, after all this (duh, he survives), it turns out that the deal had fine print. Because Darla has already been given new life before, by Wolfram & Hart, she is already living her second chance and doesn’t get another. Tragic, I know. It gets worse (again, it all depends on perspective), however, when Drusilla is called in by Wolfram & Hart, and sires Darla herself. Goodbye, soulful Darla.

After this, Angel becomes obsessed with killing Darla, and turns away from all his friends. The solitary period of broody pseudo-evil Angel is perhaps to blame for some of the Darla hate, as Angel is super-annoying, and it’s hard to see him mistreat the Angel Investigations team. Angel is obsessed with Darla, as he feels guilty for not being able to save her. In fact, as we will learn later, he sees his own fate tied to Darla’s, and hopes to save himself as well. Eventually, Angel tries to burn Darla and Drusilla to a crisp, but they survive. However, Drusilla leaves town, so Darla is left with Lindsay, recovering from the burns. In "Reprise," episode 2x15, there is a hullabaloo over a Review at W&H, and a visit by one of the Senior Partners. There is a whole chase for a special ring, the Band of Blacnil, and the glove that can do something special—it doesn’t really matter, as it is just a MacGuffin. The real reveal is that the apocalypse has totally already started, and the good guys are losing. In fact, the good guys pretty much have NO hope. Yes, Angel is a depressing show. I happen to like it that way.
Why is this relevant for Darla? I’m getting there. Basically, this Apocalypse-now news is so soul-crushing, showing that everything that Angel has been doing is for naught, that Angel reaches his lowest point. When he goes back to the Hyperion, Darla shows up, and he throws the ring at her. Blah blah blah … he pushes her around (violently) and they have sex. He takes a page out of season six Buffy, and tells Darla, “I just want to feel something besides the cold.” Afterward, in a scene very much mirroring the one at the end of the Buffy episode “Surprise,” Angel wakes up in bed, and there is thunder and his face is all :O (that is my rendering of an open mouthed Angel losing his soul). They are totally trying to trick the audience into thinking that Angel lost his soul. We pick up this dangling cliffhanger in the aptly named episode "Epiphany," 2x16, in turn very reminiscent of the Buffy episode “Innocence,” but in this version Angel goes through a very different sort of change.
It turns out that Darla is either incredibly optimistic, or she wasn’t paying attention to the first half of the season in which Angel told her over and over again that he didn’t love her, as she is full of delight that Angel has lost his filthy soul. Perhaps she thinks that since then he has fallen for her? Angel apologizes to her, and she is confused. Angel explains: "I am sorry. You saved me. I'm sorry that I couldn't do the same for you." Darla: "What?" She realizes and steps away: "You still have a soul." Awkward. Like, really awkward. Darla: "But we … and you… then I ... you're not evil? I … I don't understand. Was I … was it not good? Well, I do not accept that. You cannot tell me that that was not perfect. Not only have I been around for 400 years, I used to do this professionally. And that was perfect. We’ll go again." He says no, and that they're finished. Darla: "Finished? Why? Because you suddenly decide? You know, an hour ago, you wanted this. You weren't tricked into anything. I didn't seduce you. You wanted this?" He says that it was perfect: "And you were the reason. You've always been the reason. You were the thing that made me what I am. And I thought that if I could save you, I would somehow save myself. But I was wrong. And when I failed … when I failed, you saved me. There's nothing I can do for you Darla. I can't even hate you." Darla is deservedly pissed: "You knew this would happen, didn't you? You made me trust you. You made me believe." I doubt Angel planned this, but wow. It sucks to be Darla. The end.

So, once Darla has died, for a fourth time, that is still not the end of her. I know, right? You are ready for this post to end, and it will … soon. In 4x17, "Inside Out," The Powers That Be send Darla (or some simulacrum of her) to try to stop Connor from going to the dark side. Yes, little baby Connor went a bit crazy, due to his childhood in a hell dimension, and his twisted love for NOT-Cordelia and their baby-who-is-really-a-goddess-played-by-Zoe-from-Firefly. Darla tries to convince her son not to sacrifice a virgin, telling him how much she loves him, and how she will always be part of him. Connor wonders why she left him then. Darla explains that she did what she had to, offering her life for his. Connor, when your mother dies to give you life, maybe you should be a bit more grateful. Darla continues: “I did so many terrible things, Connor. So much destruction. So much pain. You were the one good thing I ever did. The only good thing. I'd die every day for the rest of eternity for you. And this [motioning to frightened girl about to be sacrificed] is how you repay me?" Good point, Darla. Connor was so not worth dying over (sorry Connor fans, just my biased opinion). Sigh. She begs him: "Don't let this happen, Connor. Don't let my death mean nothing. […] As a vampire I killed without mercy or remorse, because I didn't have a soul. What's your excuse? […] It has to be your choice. You can stop this. […] This isn't you, Connor." It almost works, but then NOT-Cordelia interrupts and warps his mind further. Connor is won over by the threat to his unborn child, and drags away the innocent girl, ignoring his mother’s pleas. Suddenly, the innocent girl turns into Darla, and we see Darla killed by evil Cordy. Then Darla's body turns back into the random innocent girl again. So, do we count that as Darla dying for a fifth time? Sigh. She really is the luckiest vampire in all the world.
OK, so after this exhaustive discussion of Darla, we can see that she has really had a roller coaster of a storyline, and provided a lot of entertainment. What do you think? Is she inspiring? Or does she make you want to turn off your TV? Has she been underappreciated? Or are you still annoyed that she got so much screen time in season two? Do you resent Angel’s destructive obsession with her? Or perhaps, the fact that she stood in the way of Angel and Cordelia in season three? Or do you find her a joy to watch? I would love to read what you all think.
You can read more by Lucia on her blog, Heroine TV, where she recaps shows such as Dollhouse, The Vampire Diaries, Mad Men, and Lost. You can also follow her on Twitter, where she never tires of talking about TV.