The fine folks at
Why I Watch came up with a pretty nifty marketing startegy for the month Dollhouse is away from our screens called the
"Song for November Challenge". If you follow the link you can see the rules are pretty simple: write song, submit song, cross fingers and hope for the best. Oh, and, if you do win you get a call from November herself, Miracle Laurie! We've met her and she's pretty great so a call from her is a worthy prize for any songwriter who is all about the Dollhouse saving.

I'm a musician, if by "musician" you mean "guy who plays a few chords on an acoustic from time to time". Should I take a stab at this? I don't know if anyone wants to hear my #1 chart topper "I Don't Like Dollhouse (but I Still Love You, Joss)". That title makes it sound like a Meatloaf song and that... that's just... awful. I should probably get back to the drawing board. Anyone else thinking of doing this?