In true compulsive fashion, though, with the season premier of Vampire Diaries looming in the "Must See TV" September air, I set my DVR to record because at this point I think it's a sickness for me to record any show set in a fantastic other world (see also: Supernatural, Fringe). And again, I almost stopped watching circa episode 5, but then something amazing happened - I saw true potential in the show and a hint of smart writing and some interesting characterization crept in, too. I do have my worries that it will soon lose my interest because in all honesty, I don't see the point of Elena (yet). I'm least interested in her and more intrigued by her screwed up brother, his even more screwed up girlfriend and her witchy best friend. Let's not forget the two vamp brothers either, who by the the way, are the equivalent of Angel and Angelus getting their own spin off called Orpheus: The Series where in the first episode they find the long lost Gem of Amara!
Which brings me to my second fear. I always compare supernatural shows to Buffy and this one's no different with the parallels. We've got the witchy best friend, the other best friend with unrequited feelings, the vamp-tortured-soul boyfriend, his evil alter-ego, the unaware aunt/parental figure, the High School bitca and the local hangout in the mystical town. The only thing missing is the Watcher and an interesting female lead, unfortunately.
I don't even mind that it clearly bites off of the Buffy/Angel relationship (see photo above) because, at the end of the day, I think the show has potential. I just truly hope that they either nix the lead actress from the show or give her arc something interesting to hold onto besides an undead boyfriend and some silly diary entries. Oh, and get rid of that stupid crow while you're at it.