Can't Stop the Serenity is having their final fundraiser of the year with a "Last Hurrah" auction in support of Equality Now. They've already raised $128,000 and your bid will help them reach their pledge goal of $150,000!
There's some fabulous prizes, including a donation given to us by Kelley Armstrong, Angel comic writer. Kelley was nice enough to send a bunch of Angel goodies, including a signed original draft of Aftermath #1. We all read this original version while we still had it in our hot little hands and it's fantastic. It's fascinating to have a little insight from the original concept and compare to what was in the final print. The winner of the auction will be the only other person to ever get to read it besides us, Kelley and Mr. Whedon himself. A great item for any Angel fan!
Other prizes include a tour of the Dollhouse costume department and a Browncoat Fan Pack. Go check it out here.