- Scott reiterated what he said on Twitter yesterday. After the solicitations were linked on Whedonesque, Joss and Scott had a conversation and decided that it was best to come out with the truth rather than mislead the fans which is why we broke the story yesterday. Scott said "The reason Joss felt that we had to come out and jump on it and really get in front of it was because Whedonesque had already posted the pictures...When we saw the Whedonesque page, we felt we had to respond."

- By now, we've probably all seen the image to the right. Thanks Brian Lynch! Scott told us he
had spoke to Chris Ryall about the image before it was released and, in fact, was the first to comment on Brian's blog with, "Never mind Spuffy or Bangel or Spangel ... I'm all about SPILIGHT!" Let the fanfic writing commence.
**Update: The cover being posted to Mtv tomorrow was also done by Jo Chen, for those who are curious.