It's true folks. I just got off the phone with Scott Allie and Angel is indeed Twilight, the mysterious masked man of Buffy Season 8. Angel's been my pick for Twilight since the beginning and I'm super excited to see how this plays out. Angel's back in the Buffyverse and only goodness and angst can come from that!
*Update*: The entire Scott Allie Interview
click play
Here's a couple teasers from the interview:
- Releasing these covers was 100% a mistake. Joss and Scott have kept this secret for 4 years and this was definitely a disappointment.
- Buffy's reaction upon seeing Angel: "Shock and Anger."
- Dark Horse will have a special Facebook post asking fans to give their opinions on the foreshadowing of Angel and the Red Herrings seen throughout the series so far. Check out the page in the next few hours for details: http://www.facebook.com/darkhorsecomics
Now comes the nail-biting and the head scratching as we brace ourselves for the impact, explosion and aftermath of the story as it unfolds.
- Releasing these covers was 100% a mistake. Joss and Scott have kept this secret for 4 years and this was definitely a disappointment.
- Buffy's reaction upon seeing Angel: "Shock and Anger."
- Dark Horse will have a special Facebook post asking fans to give their opinions on the foreshadowing of Angel and the Red Herrings seen throughout the series so far. Check out the page in the next few hours for details: http://www.facebook.com/darkhorsecomics
Now comes the nail-biting and the head scratching as we brace ourselves for the impact, explosion and aftermath of the story as it unfolds.