Please join us in supporting one of the many organizations providing relief to Haiti listed at this fantastic Whedonverse fandom organized website, HaitiCaringHands.com. We gave to Partners In Health and Mercy Corps through the site, but there are dozens of other reputable charities listed that are both on the ground now providing immediate disaster relief and longterm rebuiliding. Thank you to all of the people who worked all week long to get this amazing project together.
From Haiti Caring Hands:
On January 12th, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred just 10 miles outside of the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince. It caused massive devastation and killed over 200,000 people, with many more missing. The dead include thousands of children buried alive in schools when the earthquake hit. Millions have been left without shelter, food or water as their homes lie in ruins.
Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere - at least 80% of its population lives below the poverty line. These people already needed our help before the earthquake, and their need is exponentially greater now.
We, the Whedonverse fans, are known for wanting to save the world. We cannot help but care about others, after spending years admiring characters who risked their lives for humanity. Our ongoing fundraising effort, Can't Stop The Serenity, is an annual global event which raises money and awareness for Equality Now, and there are scores of other fan-related fundraising campaigns.
We would not stand idly by and witness massive suffering, and so we have turned our attention to the natural disaster in Haiti. This small website contains links to reputable organisations assisting Haiti both with emergency disaster relief and long-term rehabilitation projects.
We know that times are hard for everyone right now, but ask you to peruse our list, choose a charity, and give what you can. This week, please deprive yourself of one small luxury, so that a family in Haiti can have food, shelter and water.
Our heroes saved the world - a lot. It's time for us to lend a caring hand