We try to do a sort of News-that-fell-through-the-cracks-of-the-Hellmouth recap every Saturday. Well, that didn't happen this past weekend, but rest assured that from now on you'll find everything we don't cover during the week in a new segment called "What's the Sitch?" on Saturdays. Until then, here's the Monday After edition.

this amazing interview, Joss not only says that Angel would "kick the shit" out of Edward Cullen's, he basically says that
David Boreanaz would kick Robert Pattinson's ass. Hot.

Joss and Co. have
the Dr. Horrible sequel story. He tells MTV "We're really excited about what it is. More, I cannot say." I'm sure their fears are as large as ours so let's just all hope for the best. Faith in Joss, Buffyfest...Faith in Joss.
In related news, Doc Horrible just won
a Hugo Award. Next stop, Australia Domination.

Emma Caulfield's new webcomic
Contropussy. Enough said.

We got a tip about a cool sounding play that is going on in Washington, DC. It is called
Living Dead in Denmark, and apparently has a lot of Buffy references and Whedonish language. If in your in the area, go over
here for the deets.

Oh, make sure to listen to the latest episode of the
Joss'd podcast. Besides the usual podcasty fun, you'll hear an especially awesome and familiar jingle throughout the ep.