My sweaters are fuzzy and I feel so guilty!!
So, SFX published the "26 Greatest Tearjerkers" this week which can be found here. Among Star Trek and Lord of the Rings were a few of our Whedonverse favorites. We here at Buffyfest decided we'd make our own Top Ten list (in no particular order) of the "Greatest Whedonverse Tearjerkers" just for fun.
"The Gift"
Buffy's speech at the end is breathtaking and it's kinda unanimous thinking around here that this would have made the perfect series finale.
"The Body"
There's about a gazillion scenes in this episode that'll make you cry. Buffy's puke on the floor, Buffy's revelation to Dawn and, of course, Anya's monologue.
"I Will Remember You"
At the end of the episode with Buffy and Angel's faces all tear-stained and scrunched up in agony. Oh man.
Wash's death. Really, Joss? Really?
"Hell's Bells"
Anya sits in her white dress with make-up running down her face, all against a black background. Damn you, Xander Harris for being such a douche and making Anya cry and us cry right along with her.
Doyle's death. Really, Joss? really?
"Becoming Part II"
Buffy. Angel. Sword in heart. Cue the sadness.
"You're Welcome"
Cordelia's shining moment. She's snarky and strong with a perfect amount of empathy. And when we find out she's died...well, enough said.
Dr. Horrible
Penny on the floor with shrapnel in her chest and Dr. Horrible with tears in his eyes. It gets you every time.
"A Hole in the World"
Fred's line, "Please, Wesley. Why can't I stay?" is so simple, yet so powerful.
And Honorable Mention goes to...
It's just the opening scene, maybe 10 seconds long, but Angel on the floor next to Connor's charred empty crib makes his choke hold on Wesley at the end of that episode not so bad.