Give us the background: What inspired you to write this particular story, create these original characters, and set the whole thing in Barbary Coast?

What's the story about?
DT: Angel's come to San Francisco seeking a Chinese herbalist named Xin, who he thinks can purge his recently-restored soul of guilt. Xin agrees to help Angel, but he needs Angel to do something for him, first. It's a great way to get a morally-ambiguous Angel to fight on the side of good, at this period. But, of course, Angel hasn't gotten the whole story, and it sets off events that make Angel's life a lot more complicated. Like starting the Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906.
What's the underlying meaning of the story and why is it an important point in Angel's history for us to see?
DT: We use a Chinese "fortune-cookie" style of philosophy for comedic effect in BARBARY COAST, but some of those unanswerable questions also makes Angel realize that his life isn't easy. Magic may have restored his soul, presto-chango, but there's no instant cure to fix the guilt and the remorse that soul makes him feel. Because he now "feels" in an emotional way, not just in a sensory way that regular vampires feel. It makes him fully aware of the consequences of his actions. If there is a point of this story, it's that--maybe for the first time--Angel realizes he needs to start living his life in a positive way, as a way of dealing with that guilt (his feelings) and as a way of moving forward. It's that conscious choice that makes Angel a hero, and the character we all love. Like super-heroes, we all aspire to Angel's higher moral ground.
Bonus Question What's up with Angel and dragons?
DT: It's Chinese magic. So you go to the animal symbols that represent the Chinese calendar. Sure, we could've gone with a dog. Or a snake. A tiger probably would've worked, too. But a dragon is so cool and visual, and it breathes fire, which is a big part of the destruction of San Francisco (more damage was done to the city from the series of fires than from the earthquake). The fact that Joss and Brian used a dragon in "After the Fall" was gravy. It made the period story dovetail with something very modern, and a fan favorite. It was a win-win.