The holiday shopping season is once again coming to a closes and if you're having trouble deciding what to get your fellow fandom friends, have no fear...we gotcha covered. Below you'll find a list of the coolest, newest Whedon-ish stuff out there.
(Make sure you check out last year's list too as most of that stuff is still available and still awesome!)
For the Casual Viewer or Newbie:
- Buffy box set - Splurge on all 40 discs
- Angel box set - A must to complete the full collection.
- Dr. Horrible DVD
- Firefly complete series and Serenity dvd (just $7.99!)
- Best price on Dollhouse Season 1

- Any fan would love these Dark Horse Gelaskins for laptops, iphones, etc.
- Paleyfest Buffy Reunion DVD - See the whole gang on stage for this 2008 reunion.
- If the fan on your list strives for horribleness, you'll want these Dr. Horrible ornaments and other licensed goods.
- Adorable "Little Damn Heroes Statues" (check out Kaylee and Jayne here.)
- Do a clothes dance! We have a lovely "Leaf on the Wind" T-Shirt, Wolfram and Hart Corporate Tee , and when fandoms collide, try this Buffy Staked Edward T-Shirt.
- Speaking of clothes, why not check out our Buffyfest store for Yummy Sushi T-shirts, Buffyfest bags and more.
- Create your own Whedonverse Ornaments (See the Flickr Group from our Whedonverse Ornament Swap for some inspiration)
- This "Browncoat Field Ration" soap by Geeky Clean is a mere $4.99 and $1 of each bar is going towards this year's Can't Stop The Serenity total. Clean, cheap and charitable!
- The documentary "Done the Impossible" (The story of the rise and fall and rebirth of the cult TV show "Firefly,"as told from the perspective of the fans who helped save it) is not only is it a cool $9.99, but if you buy now, you get one free! Hint: keep it for yourself.
- Keeping with the Browncoat theme, every Firefly fan needs their own Reaver Doll - on sale for just $11.95!
Last Minute Larry - don't even need to leave the house for these finds!
- A Charitable donation to super browncoat fellowship Can't Stop The Serenity is a perfect last minute.
- Download music instantly by Anthony Stewart Head and the Soundtrack to Once More With Feeling .
- Buffy and Angel comic subscriptions at TFAW - the quick gift that keeps on giving!

- Keep that uber-fan warm with these Buffy and Angel cast blankets !
- Props! Try the Orb of Thesula (Makes a perfect paperweight!) and The Gem of Amara
- If you have $2,250 to throw around (or best offer!) why not give an original stake from the show. I mean it's made of balsa wood. BALSA! How could you resist?
- Unlike that last item, this is a truly badass and awesome item, a promo kit from the original Buffy movie. (here's another) Rad!