Arrr me hearties! This fine September 19th edition of "What's The Sitch" will be Whedon talk mixed with Pirate. Anyone who thinks this lame can eat me peg leg. This be the way 'tis. So grab ye Guns, Women, Muskets & Dubloons and have lots of Grog. Let's go and get these scurvy dogs!

Missed Joss and the
Doc Horrible crew win at the Creative Emmys last night? Well Blimey! Go check it out

Don't forget to also watch that nice lad Neil Patrick Harris host the rest of the Emmy's tomorrow night.
Ausiello just confirmed that there will be
Dr. Horrible themed production number halfway through the show. Yo-ho-ho!!

Gangway! Sir Nathan Fillion was on deck last night at the Apple Store here in Soho....but we totally walked the plank on that one! Luckily,
@beebecca was nice enough to let us share her recap.
"Nathan said he wrote a pilot for a TV show about two brothers that he wanted to do with Alan Tudyk. He said writing is a lot of pressure and he couldn't imagine having to be in charge of what is written every week, etc. He said he would love to be on Dollhouse, but his schedule is really tight right now."Seadogs, go read the rest including Nathan talking about
Serenity, Faith and more on our Bucko
Bee's Tumbler page.
Shiver me timbers! Tons of
Dollhouse grubbing bastard Hornswaggles (aka Spoilers)
here, and
here. Don't say we didn't warn ye!

On the other hand, some mateys think last season of
Dollhouse holed the keel and scraped some barnacles. It won in the category of "Worst New Show" at Television Without Pity's
Tubey awards. From TWOP: "The summer reality horror
I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here came in second place." Lol! I mean, Blargh!
That's it. Now go hangout on the poopdeck and trade stories over rum! Happy "Talk Like a Pirate" Day to all.