Have you ever wondered how the Buffyverse would be if some things had never happened or maybe just went a little differently? Us too. That's why we've decided to start a new segment here at Buffyfest called "What if" where we explore the alternate reality-type scenarios of our favorite characters.
Our first resident "What if" expert is none other than Scott Allie, editor of Dark Horse comics and all-around great guy. Here's his take on our first Sophie's Choice-esque "What if" question.
Our first resident "What if" expert is none other than Scott Allie, editor of Dark Horse comics and all-around great guy. Here's his take on our first Sophie's Choice-esque "What if" question.
What if Giles and Willow were hanging off a cliff and only one could be saved, who would Buffy choose?

But if this were pre-Season 8, I suppose she'd have to resort to something desperate. Buffy says to Willow, "I know you blame me for Tara's death, but that's fine, because I was happy to help." When Willow goes dark, Buffy says, "But it was really Giles you have to thank, because he was the secret mastermind behind those three nerds." Willow let's out a big dark blast of magic, shredding Giles from the mountainside, and he's long dead before he ever hits the ground. Buffy hauls Willow up from the cliff, says, "Kidding," and after Willow's eyes go blue again and they have a good laugh, Buffy says, "Now please restore Giles from that mystical death you just put him through." Then everyone's cool.
But if one of them really had to die, Buffy would sacrifice her former Watcher, because she has Daddy issues, and her affection for Giles has always had its limits. -Scott
Check out the previews and pre-order information for Scott Allie's upcoming Graphic Novels Exurbia and Solomon Kane.